3 Ways to CustoMYze Your Headshot Session
Do you ever feel like you’re posting the same old photos or selfies on your online profiles? And no matter how hard you try, you just can’t seem to come up with a photo that truly represents you? It can be tough to choose the right headshot for your social media profiles or professional portfolio. You want something that's flattering and representative of who you are. Here are a few tips to help you create the perfect headshot for your needs. So read on and get inspired!
1. Be true to your personality
A headshot is supposed to provide a visual representation of you, so showcase that! This can be done with your hairstyle choice, eye wear or contacts, wardrobe choice, even with your smile; with teeth or no teeth. Never change who you are for your headshot session as this only misrepresents you when meeting people in person. Make sure to select accessories, outfits, and poses that scream YOU. Don’t be afraid to play with color. Your choices are another way to represent your personality.
2. Choose your backdrop wisely.
The main goal of any headshot, is to represent YOU. While your backdrop should act as exactly that, make sure that it helps tell the story you want to tell and that it doesn’t distract the audience you want to reach. Will a solid, neutral background tell your story, or will greenery outdoors be a better fit? Working with your photographer on this can also be a huge help. Make your goals clear to them, and a knowledgeable photographer can point you in the right direction.
3. Give yourself options
You should always feel comfortable in your photos. If you’re not sure on the initial shots, there is nothing wrong with changing your facial expression, making a quick top swap, or even requesting an alternate backdrop option. It's always better to have a few more options than have too few and be unhappy with your end result.
Whether updating your social profile, updating your branding, or preparing for new job, these three steps are sure to help in creating a headshot custom fit for your needs and the story you want to tell. If you're still unsure on how to get started feel free to contact us and our team here at CustoMYze Me will be happy to help. Get in touch today with our team.