The best part of my job is getting to meet and learn PEOPLE. I’m always a sucker for a good origin story, but most of all, learning about my subject helps me become better at my job. If I understand you, and get have the opportunity to learn a bit more about your story, my hope is to be able to bring a bit of what I’ve learned out in your photos. When I decided to start this project, I thought this would be a more perfect way to take my love of people and what I do, to use that as a way to keep people connected. Now it ha become so much more than that after a year filled with so much disconnect and negativity. This series has become an opportunity to connect with some positivity, and people trying to influence positive change in the lives people through their businesses, their daily work, and being an inspiration to others. Every story is different and that’s what makes each on special.
It’s been a LONG time coming ( I started this in August of last year ya’ll and life just kept getting in the way), but it’s FINALLY here and hopefully you will enjoy and keep riding this wave with me!
Meet the lovely Melanie Bledsoe of Bledsoe Consulting Services. Born and raised in Nashville with Southern hospitality and a love of people, Melanie learned early on that the core of any business is to value your clients first and the rest will fall into place. She’s always been passionate about entrepreneurship, and after leaving a her corporate job, created a business dedicated helping small business owners financially thrive, with accounting and tax services.
“I’m a CPA with the heart of a teacher. Therefore, my primary focus is on education. My goal is to help clients understand tax and accounting concepts so that they understand …and will make smart business decisions that save them tax dollars.”
Q & A
What inspired you to go into business for yourself? “I decided to become a CPA a decade after graduation, because I was not fulfilled in my corporate accounting career. I wanted to make a difference in the small business community. I loved shopping small, but was so disappointed when those same passionate owners were too soon out of business. I started my business to help bridge the gap between passion and profit for small business owners.”
Who or what has been instrumental in implementing change for you personally? “I draw inspiration from many sources. My primary source is myself as I compete against my goals and dreams. Another source is the podcast How I Built This. Each episode is such an inspirational discussion with entrepreneurs who created large brands and the struggles they had to overcome in order to achieve success. Most importantly, I surround myself with inspiring entrepreneurs so that I can feed off of their passion and energy. Entrepreneurship can get lonely and when I started making more friends with others who had similar lifestyles, my journey became so much more enjoyable!”
If you could offer one piece of advice on how we can implement change, either in our daily lives or within our community what would it be? “Whatever change you decide to make whether it's as small as stretching for ten minutes a day or as large as taking a sabbatical to volunteer, make sure you understand *why * you are doing it . If it's a change that requires effort or consistency, then your *why* will fuel you.”
To learn more about Melanie & Bledsoe Consulting services! You can visit her at any of the links below!
Got someone you would like to nominate to participate in this series? We would love to hear from you! Please send all series inquiries to