It’s been a while since the last series, and in that time the world has been flipped upside down. Thankfully, the year is coming to a close and we are slowly starting to see a glimmer of light that is seemingly the end of this tunnel that is 2020. 

For so many of us this has been a year of extreme reflection. 2020 has forced most of us to come to a screeching halt on our insanely busy lives and evaluate or priorities in ways most of us never thought possible. With all the negativity that came with the events of 2020, what this year taught me most is how important we each are to this world. We each have a purpose. We each have the power to make an impact and we have live our lives as such and really be the change that we want to see in this world. Change doesn’t happen overnight, but it starts with a a choice, a passion, and a commitment to yourself and others around you. 

I wanted this series to be a representation of individual people striving to do their part to make an impact within our community using their skillset, their talents, and their perseverance. throughout this series we will hear from everyday people within the community, entrepreneurs, and small business owners. each telling the story of what inspires them and the change they hope to make. My hope is that with each story told, with each business or entrepreneur represented that you will hopefully be inspired to take your first step towards the person you want to be and the impact you want to make.The time to start is NOW! Leave the negativity of 2020 right where it is and choose to move FORWARD. Stay tuned next week as we kick off the start of the portrait series and cheers to the end of 2020!

Until then ….