Feature Friday: Keva Burns

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Welcome Creatives! As this is the premiere edition of Feature Friday I thought it only fitting to kick off the festivities to give you a bit about of info about myself. My name is Keva Burns. I'm a photographer/graphic designer and the owner of CustoMYze Me; a creative studio specializing in portrait, commercial, and fashion photography and graphic design services. As business has grown so have my goals and in fall of last year I opened CustoMYze Me Studio. I opened this studio not only to provide a space for myself and my clients to enjoy, but also as a place for myself and other like minded individuals like yourselves to learn, create, and collaborate with one another. Feature Friday is simply another outlet for us to do exactly that! 

When I first decided to make photography a career I was starting from scratch. I had no mentor, no teachers, and really didn't know a ton of photographers in the area which at times can make challenging yourself and gaining experience a bit more difficult. To be great at anything you can NEVER STOP LEARNING, and what better way to grow than with others creatives right in my own backyard! 

Each week we will learn a bit about each of the creatives featured and preview some of their work to showcase what makes them awesome. I hope that going forward the creatives we meet will inspire, and motivate each of us to push the envelope on whatever your strive to create and hopefully work together to do it. If you know of anyone that you think would love to share their creativity please don't hesitate to send me their info so I can reach out! I look forward to learning about each and everyone one of you. 

As for a more detailed feature on me, you can check out more about my story and how CustoMYze Me came to be in my interview with Voyage Dallas Magazine.  

Until next time....

Xoxo, Keva